Fall in New England is marvelous. Knees in the dirt, hands outstretched towards the sky...at CNS, we feel immeasurably fortunate for the opportunity to embrace this connection to nature on a daily basis.
Children are innately talented at engaging this connection. Grown-ups facilitate and support these explorations, but it is the children who lead them. Following, we invite you to take a tiny peek into the magical world of Community Nursery School under the backdrop of Autumn...

[A child's acorn collection brought in from home engages classmates with line & shape studies.]

[Fine motor muscles are strengthened and curiosity is piqued by hammering golf tees into an oversized pumpkin.]

[Leaves displayed the top of at the easel inspire creative masterpieces derived from fall's color palette.]

[Natural loose parts and cardboard circles set out as an invitation to create: fall pizza, anyone?!]

[An unassuming critter makes ten eager new friends in the garden studio. A bug house is promptly built to "keep him safe."]

["Leaf People" come to life via group foraging on the nature trail, sorting the found natural materials, sketching a plan, and, finally, constructing a representation.]
"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." [Jim Bishop]